Contact Me
I’d love to hear from you to discuss your needs, whether it be wellbeing, presentations, or photography, so do drop me a line!
• You are fed up with lacking confidence, struggle to love yourself, and want to LIVE rather than simply EXIST.
• You need a powerful body-confidence boost with a transformational yet tasteful photoshoot to celebrate YOU.
• You want to learn more about my presentations.
“The road to success is always under construction.” Lily Tomlin
How can I help?
I’d love to hear from you, you’re welcome to email me direct at, use the button below to book a Discovery call directly with me or, use the contact form below.
I can’t wait to hear from you.
Kind Words:
“Susie’s ability to gain trust and put her subjects at ease is nothing short of miraculous, a gift most would love to have. The results of her work are astonishing, leaving her subjects more confident within themselves.”
“I was put totally at ease and felt empowered by your approach to photographing the female form; this being to capture one’s best points as a real woman rather than as a ‘pin up’. I love your ethos of creating an experience whereby women can feel great about themselves in a way that is natural rather than limited by the expectations that we all seem to place upon ourselves.”
“An inspirational speaker, Susie shares her belief in the power of individuals to transform and be the best they can be. Speaking from the heart with sincerity and passion, Susie herself encapsulates the ethos of her ‘Women of Spirit’ anthologies, and as a speaker, promotes the message to inspire others.”
Start your journey today and join Our Spirited Life!
A revitalised, liberated, healthier and happier you is waiting…