How can I help you?

Confidence is not a single entity. We may be super confident in what we DO, yet lack confidence and feelings of self-esteem in who we ARE.

I have a strong belief that everyone deserves to feel good about themselves, so if you are:

• Needing help with moving from feeling tired and frumpy to feeling energised, worthy and gorgeous.
• Wanting an effective boost to your self-image without feeling guilty.
• A hard-working woman, confident in your career but with low body-confidence.
• Frustrated and frazzled trying to stay feminine yet strong in a man’s world at work.

..then contact me to see how I can help you by impacting your wellbeing at its core, leading to a fundamental improvement in your overall happiness and helping you achieve authentic confidence in yourself as a woman who is able to enjoy life to the full – personally and professionally.

Self-Love Advocate

Confidence is a state of mind, even a state of being. It comes from acceptance of your body and mind (self-esteem), and feelings of wellbeing and belief in your abilities, skills and experience (confidence).

You have a right to feel comfortable and confident in your own body, to value and love yourself. I am here to support you in your journey towards self-love, believing in you until you can believe in yourself.

If you need to go deeper, I also have at my fingertips a trusted resource bank of experts who are highly qualified in their field, ready to support, empower and enable you to move away from that which is causing you pain, confusion and stress, towards pleasure, clarity and peace.

Body-Confidence Photographer

You want to feel better about yourself, celebrate your favourite bits – and accept your not-so-favourite bits.

With a body-confidence shoot with me, the comfortable yet empowering experience of the shoot allows you to feel transformed, liberated and much more confident! I’m naturally empathetic and we have a lot of fun – laughter is sexy!

Through the experience of preparing for the shoot, the pampering of having your hair and make up done, and throughout the shoot itself, you will feel able to relax and to tap into your inner sense of self, your inner beauty and sensuality.

When you see your images you will be amazed at how fabulous you look – because you can recognise a version of yourself that you honestly LOVE.

Wellbeing Ambassador

Along with ‘mindset’, pretty much everything starts with what you put in your body. We know that many metabolic, autoimmune, and cognitive diseases start with gut disturbances or imbalances. Unhealthy gut function can lead to reduced brain function, poor skin, a compromised immune system – the list goes on.

Are you feeding your body optimum nutrition? Simple yet effective lifestyle choices and habit changes can lead to greatly improved health.

As a wellbeing ambassador I am aligned with a world-leading company which looks at the whole person – mind, body, skin – helping you to flourish inside and out. We begin with a life enhancing nutritional plan to rebalance the gut, increase energy, and help to break unhealthy food and drink habits.

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
George Bernard Shaw

Mental Toughness Assessor

Supporting You

What is Mental Toughness and how does it apply to you/your employees or team?

Mental Toughness is a personality trait which determines, in some part, how we perform when exposed to stressors, pressure and challenge, irrespective of the situation. By completing an assessment we can see just what’s going on inside your head – and with insightful feedback, discover where you need to make changes in order to make more informed decisions for better performance, behaviour and wellbeing – in life and in the workplace.

By really understanding your individual personality traits and existing coping
behaviours; your strengths and weaknesses around the four elements of mental toughness: control, commitment, challenge and confidence, you can create better habits and navigate through any mental obstacles, enabling you to live life to maximum potential. 

I work with AQR International the highly innovative psychometric test publisher.

You can learn more about them here

Learn to love your body

Body-Confidence Photography

Having a healthy body image is the first step in recognising your self-worth.

You don’t have to admire or love what you see every day, but it is extremely liberating to simply accept and appreciate that the body in the mirror is yours and it has carried you through life this far, given you and your partner pleasure, perhaps born children – and if you really want to, you can choose to become a healthier, happier version of you.

Are you ready to come out from behind the curtain of your low body-confidence? Do you understand that confidence is nothing to do with your dress size, age or what others say about you?

The relief of refocusing your perspective, of focusing on the bits of your body that you DO like and accepting the bits you are not so keen on, and even reframing your thoughts and your self-talk about these, is a fabulous shift in mindset, and I am here to help you do this.

You are safe in the knowledge that I am compassionate, empathetic, discreet, and will validate your feelings. I want to enable you to feel great about yourself, from the inside. Because happiness is an inside job – and so is confidence, sensuality and self-esteem.


Empowering groups

Public Speaking

Do you want to provide your audience with a presentation which inspires, resonates, and motivates change?

As a self-love advocate, I am committed to improving lives.

My presentations truly inspire people to make healthier choices, improving their confidence and self-esteem.

Why choose me for your keynote? I don’t just talk the talk; I live the talk.

Through my presentations I support your staff or group with inspiring stories and confidence tips, on or offline:

  • Keynote speaking on self-image: ‘Image: Impact, Influence and Inspiration.’
  • Networking groups presentations ‘Creating Confidence Though Compassion’.

Tips for self-love and the art of indulgence will enable you to leave the event with a little more spring in your step!

Women of Spirit

Discover the journeys of some of the bravest women

Storytelling is one of the most powerful resources that human beings possess. The act of telling a story enables us to relate to one another and to make sense of humanity. Stories inform people’s emotional lives whilst teaching invaluable moral lessons.

Among the many incredible stories in these anthologies, readers will learn how women defied the odds and built successful businesses, how coercive control and abuse need not be their prison, how eating disorders could be overcome, how rape need no longer be a ‘dirty secret’, how they discovered that being widowed was not the end of their life, and how they refused to allow a hostage situation and childhood sexual abuse to define their lives.

‘Women of Spirit’ documents various aspects of the human condition and are full of guidance and inspiration. However harrowing, every story has a happy ending to bring about hope and courage.

“Read these books for inspiration, laughter, tears and insight into your own life.”

Volume One

“So full of discovery and enlightenment, it literally gives you goosebumps – such a feel good factor in a world that could honestly use it. A must have for both men and women – so inspiring I didn’t want it to end!”

Volume Two

“Every woman’s story is different but the strive for love, respect, kindness, self-esteem, inner authority and self-love is the same. These stories show that whatever the challenge in life there is always a way to go through and come out hugely strengthened and empowered. Soul filling and heartening.”

Kind Words:

“Susie uses her own adversity to channel her energy into breaking boundaries, working hard to enable others to do the same. She lets people into her life and shares all, even the difficult parts, with great humour. When Susie engages with women they see a real person – a woman who listens without judgement. Simply said, she sprinkles magic dust, hope and belief at exactly the time it’s needed!”

“I booked my photoshoot at a time when I wasn’t feeling good about myself, especially my looks. I felt I no longer had anything in common with the woman I was 20 or even just 10 years ago, which was beginning to affect my self-confidence and my ability to promote myself professionally. Spending time with you and your camera was an amazing experience and a real joy through and through. Your kind, funny and sensitive way of talking to me and putting me at ease meant I began to find myself again – and you made me look beautiful!”

“Susie doesn’t just talk the talk, she lives the talk, which is why so many women sit up and take notice when she speaks. Susie’s commitment to improving women’s lives is awe-inspiring. Women identify with Susie’s life experiences as she is prepared to show vulnerability as a strength, which in turn leads to some of the most incredible moments of triumph out of adversity. This is the kind of talk you don’t forget!”

Quick start your Journey…

One to One Chats

Perhaps you’d like to book some time to chat with me directly? If so, I’d love to hear from you. Simply, click the button below and get in touch.

Start your journey today and join Our Spirited Life!

A revitalised, liberated, healthier and happier you is waiting…